2009, Milwaukee, WI |
Five years ago David and I finally started dating, and I couldn't be happier.
In 2005 I was a Sophomore in college, and was at a house party the night before everyone goes home for winter break. It was at this big house that a bunch of drama kids lived in so you can imagine what fun shennanigans those kiddos were up to! At one point I decided I needed a breather and stepped outside onto the front porch. At that very moment I overheard a cute boy mention something about living in a city right by my hometown. That usually didn't happen especially since I was hours away from my hometown so I got the courage and said, "Hey! Did you say you're from....." And the conversation bloomed. We exchanged numbers and agreed that we'd see each other again over my break since he believe it or not was graduating college the very next day! I met David the night before he graduated college! What luck is that!?
2010 David Proposed! |
Over break we met for coffee. Our conversations were so easy and amazing, and I never laughed more than I did with him. I remember thinking at the time, "God, please let him be my future husband. He is amazing, and just what I need and love." Even though there was that utmost desire to never leave his side, he had actually started seeing a girl I knew through Amnesty International. I didn't want to be "that girl" so I gave him space, and so from 2005-2009 we danced. Or rather I was dating someone and he was single, or I was single and he was dating someone.
2011 Our Wedding |
There was actually one night I talked to him on the phone for hours, and he invited me out to a friends party (he didn't realize I was dating someone at the time). I realized after I agreed to go to the party with him that it'd be a bad situation for me to be in. I had feelings for him (that I thought could never possibly become true) and I was dating someone else. So I did the most lame thing ever and made up a VERY lame excuse as to why I couldn't go (the morning of the party I did this). Heartbroken David still attended the party missing me still.
A few months later I found myself single and my very last semester of college, and thinking of David and what could have been. At the time people still AIM'd and so I IM'd David saying hi and I hope life is well. When David saw that message he couldn't believe his eyes, because he was biking around thinking about me just the day before. We of course chatted on the phone, and started meeting for coffee, walks, movies, etc. And exactly 5 years ago today he kissed me, and it was the most beautiful romantic kiss. And thus began us officially dating!
2012 We Welcomed Zooey into the World! |
Within those 5 years, David and I got married, bought a cute house, had an adorable little girl (who's 16 months in a couple days), and have never been happier!
I often think back to that day that I prayed to God that David would be my husband. Even though it took 4 years to go from friendship to actually dating, my prayer was eventually answered. David is my husband, my soul mate, the father of my child, and absolutely the most wonderful and amazing man I've ever met.
I love you David! <3