Corrigan and her girls |
"This is exactly what being an adult is--leaving a voicemail for the national expert in urology while scrubbing out the grime that builds up inside the lid of a sippy cup. Keeping your toddler from opening
the bathroom door while you inject a thousand dollars' worth of Neupogen into your thigh so you can keep up your white blood cell count. Untangling a pink princess boa while wondering if you are a month away from losing both breasts, both ovaries, and your father." -Kelly Corrigan, The Middle Place
Corrigan with her father |
The Middle Place by
Kelly Corrigan is a book about a woman who battles breast cancer while being married with two young children and a lovable father who also has been diagnosed with cancer. She jumps back and forth between stories of her past with her stages of facing cancer. Corrigan reveals emotional and personal accounts that gives the reader an intimate look at her life. It is a life-like read that can seem harsh but has the sweet rewards that only life brings.
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