I thought it may be time to share some MiddleCoastMommy tips on dealing with cabin fever. Even if you live in a climate where you can get out of the house, sometimes cabin fever can be brought on simply by those "down in the dumps" feelings, and yes everyone can have them.
So if you're feeling stuck in the house whether you're a mommy or not, I hope this helps!
Cabin Fever Remedies MiddleCoastMommy style:
- First off develop that "Nobody's going to call me a Softie!" attitude. Refuse to give in, push yourself through the toughest situations and you can do that with a chirpy or even "bad ass" demeanor, but DO IT!
- Turn up some positive energy tunes whether that's dance music, oldies, or even some good ol' classic rock. Whatever gets you pumped, turn it up and dance around. This can be especially fun with the little ones!
- Become a "chef." By that I mean develop the confidence to try new recipes and display your dishes in fine culinary style.
- Stretch! Simple as that. When our bodies feel stiff, of course we don't want to get out of bed or off the couch, but when our bodies are stretched you'll feel ready for anything and everything.
- Exercise or at least move often! Don't stay dormant, be the opposite of lazybones!
- Clean. Messy houses are not the kind that make you want to get up and dance, they're the kind that makes you want to run and hide under the covers. Cleaning is not a once a week activity, it's more of an every day activity and can be part of your "move often" initiative.
- Eat and drink healthy (no CRAP-carbonated drinks, refined sugars, artificial food, processed food). When you give your body healthy food and drink you feel light and energetic.
- Call family and/or friends to chat or set up a time to visit. Make sure your calendar is filled with positive people!
- Pick up a hobby or a DIY activity. You can perfect old talents or always discover new ones.
- Pretend you're actually at a luxury spa, and you're not stuck inside because of some ol' blizzard outside, but rather because it's your day to be pampered! Make DIY scrubs and facial masks, soak in the tub, deep condition your hair, or give yourself a mani/pedi just as a few ideas. If you're looking for how-to's you'll find plenty on Pinterest.
- "Dress to the nines!" While 3rd trimester MiddleCoastMommy really is digging her yoga pants and leggings right now, sometimes it's just really nice to doll yourself up in something pretty, jazz up your hair and makeup, and top yourself off with your favorite jewelry. Even if you're just going to be around the house all day it's still fun to play dress up! ;)
- Learn a new language! You can either borrow books from a library or buy your own, or try something more interactive like buying Rosetta Stone or trying Duolingo for free.
- Get inspired. TED talks is a wonderful way to start!
- LAUGH! It's important to laugh every day, hard. So make sure those hilarious people or cute animal videos are part of your life every day.
The more you think about it, a list like this can get longer and longer. So let that be encouraging! Instead of letting cabin fever get you bored and down think of it rather as the perfect opportunity to do what it is that makes you smile.
XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy
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