Happy Easter everyone! And thinking of Easter and spring I'm always reminded of new beginnings. So really it's the perfect time of year to start a "running new beginning" for yourself!
Since you have now discovered your goals, rewards, and created a rocking playlist here is a starter guide for beginning to run:

1. Gear up! Make sure you're wearing comfortable running gear, prepared for the outside or inside, music and water on hand.
2. Either Outdoors or on a treadmill start with a slow or comfortable walking pace. Walk for about 5 minutes.
3. Now that your muscles are warmed up,
stretch them! I'm not talking a quick bounce here or there, it's helpful to give your legs, torso, and everything really a good stretch!
4. After stretching, begin intervals or walking and jogging with each song. EX: Song 1 walk, Song 2 jog, Song 3 Walk, Song 4 Jog, and so on. These intervals will help your lungs and body grow stronger so that you can jog/run longer. Plus it's motivating and fun!
5. After about 30 minutes, conclude with a cool down of 5 minutes walking followed by stretching.
*If you're using a treadmill, I recommend setting the incline at 1.5 since it is a more natural impact for your body. Sometimes while I'm walking on a treadmill I will raise the incline to anywhere between a 3-6 to help strengthen my leg muscles.
*Make sure you take time during your week to practice
strength training. Building muscle will help improve your speed and endurance for running. It is important to train your entire body, because whether you realize it or not your entire body is being used while you run (not just your legs).
*Eating healthy whole foods and drinking plenty of water is wonderful fuel for your body!
*As time goes on start trying out new intervals, such as jogging 2 songs and walking 1 song, or jogging 5 songs and walking 1 song. Play around with the intervals, but LISTEN to your body! Your body will tell you loud and clear if you're pushing yourself too far! There is a difference between pain and injury! Our goal is strength so be kind to your body, listen to it, and help it guide you to a beautiful and stronger you!
Good luck and happy training! <3MiddleCoastMommy