"The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, The Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body" was a very enjoyable read by Cameron Diaz! I was surprised at her fun combination of humor and scientific information that made it less ominous and more fun to learn about health and the body.
Some people may jump to thinking that well it's easy for her to be healthy she's already skinny! Health isn't about being skinny. She shares that before she made the movie Charlie's Angels (at 26 years old) she mainly ate fast food and never ever worked out. Since the actresses did their own stunts she went through vigorous training beforehand. Her trainer in fact told them, "Pain is weakness leaving your body." She learned from that experience and shares, "if you have never trained please be gentle with yourself. Be forgiving. It took your whole life to create your body as it currently is at the moment. It's going to take time to make changes."
The books has three parts:
Part 1: Nutrition-Love Your Hunger
Part 2: Fitness-The Body Wants to Be Strong
Part 3: The Mind-Now You've Got This
Each part was informative, and I feel like I left the book being updated on current health news and how to strive at treating the body well every day.
"And that my experience-learning to connect to my body, to love my body, to truly live in my body-has been the foundation of everything I have done since." -Cameron Diaz

"The Body Book" is an excellent read!
For the month of May, I have decided to switch it up, and read a book on the philosophy of crafting called, "Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman" by Peter Korn. Korn went from a middle class, Ivy-educated child to being a successful furniture craftsman for many years. His past books focus on the "how-to," but he finally decided he wanted to explore the meaning of creating.
Happy Reading! <3MiddleCoastMommy
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