Since this was not the first time I have been asked for running help or to partner run, I thought it'd be fun to share a "MiddleCoast Mommy's Guide to Running for Beginners." I have plenty of tips that I've picked up over the years having trained myself to go from a 17 minute mile to an 8 minute mile (my fast pace) and my longest distance of 10 miles. I'm not a doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer, but I am someone who went from running in misery to running for fun so hopefully I can help you become a happy runner!

MiddleCoast Mommy Running for Beginners:
The Beginning
Way to go! You've made this far without shutting down your computer and singing "La! La! La!" trying to block out the memory of my little soapbox speech. Give yourself a pat on the back! But really, way to go!
First things first, if you have any health concerns please speak with your doctor first before starting a running routine. You want to make sure that you're in tip top shape before starting an exercise program.
Right now is the time to get pumped. Ask yourself why it is you want to be a runner. This will help you set a goal for yourself. I advise not to give yourself one goal, but a few. Your goals could be amount of weight you want to lose, distance covered, speed improvement, 5k runs, etc. For each goal reached have a planned reward, and I'm not talking unlimited pizza and beer for a completing a 5k! I'm talking healthy rewards, which could be a pedicure, a sweatyband, cute running apparel, new music for your iPod, etc. I have even heard of people putting money in a jar for pounds lost or miles run, and at the end of the month they treat themselves to an adorable outfit or a girls night out!
Once you have set your goals and rewards make sure you have good running shoes (make sure they're the right one for your feet and stance not just cute ones), and comfortable running clothes. For both indoors and outdoors make sure you have water, and if you're running outside make sure you protect your skin with sunblock. Feel free to start setting up a playlist of your favorite tunes. I personally tend to like running to music that makes me want to get up and dance.
Instead of jumping right into running please take time to think about your reasons, goals, and rewards. You want it to be meaningful to you to keep you inspired and pushing past difficulties to reach that goal.
Happy Planning! Running tips to come :)
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