Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Birthday Surprise!


It's been a while, but I have a Birthday (yes, it's my birthday today, my 30th in fact) surprise for you, and that is I am creating my very own website!

My soon-to-be website is still in the works so if you'd like to see its work-in-progress check it out here!

It will have 4 categories: Health + Fitness, Food, Home Life, and DIY + Crafts (and of course a link to my Etsy shop, MiddleCoast).

My goal is to have the site officially up and running by next Monday, September 14, because... drum roll here... I'm starting Whole30 on the 14th! So I'm planning on documenting plenty, especially since the Whole30 program involves a lot of food prep and making which may deter plenty of people away from it, but I'm here to show that a Mom of two kids (young ones I might add) can make/cook 3 meals and a snack a day. I'm sure I'll have a wicked sugar headache, but I'm looking forward to kicking my sugar addiction to the curb while feeding my body wonderous whole foods.

Can't wait for my livemiddlecoast new life adventure! :)

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Thursday, August 13, 2015


As I'm sitting here this morning sipping on my coffee (wow this should really become a new-"once upon a time" fairy tale sentence starter!) browsing articles I came across one from "Living Traditionally" that is an open-palm forehead slapper. It's about oatmeal. Oh yes, I'm sure you've heard of all the lovely benefits of eating oatmeal! And yes those benefits are true! BUT what I took away from the article was:

Non-organic oats are sprayed with glyphosate (Roundup’s active ingredient), so that essentially makes them as bad as GM corn, canola and soy. According to the USDA Pesticide Data Program there are 6 pesticide Residues found in conventionally grown oat crops. They are Malathion, piperonyl butoxide, metolachlor, DDE p,p’, peopiconazole, and chlorpyrifos methyl.  SO if you decide to eat oats, make sure to purchase organic raw oats. 

Gah! Why can we not escape this!? Roundup? That's what gets sprayed on plants outside and kills EVERYTHING! We don't want to kill our insides that's what greasy-late night burritos are for!

Really though, it blows my mind that people innocently buy oatmeal believing they are nourishing their bodies when in actuality they are also poisoning them? I know it's not a "poison" where you need to call poison control, but what I mean is that it's not natural, and over time it can have its affects on the body. People tend not to eat oatmeal because it's mouthwatering, they eat it because it's a healthy food option. Also, if you don't get the packaged kind of oatmeal it is super affordable. I'll never understand two things: one business people who are ok with selling products and letting people eat products that can be harmful to them, and two why doesn't anyone prevent these products from going on the shelves?

I think i've said it once before, and I'll say it again, but think about the food you buy as a "vote" for what you want. We need to continue "voting" for natural foods that are not filled with bad chemicals for us. Since food is a business, businesses look for trends, and hopefully someday they will see a trend that "huh, people don't want gross. OK we'll fix that!" We can only hope right?

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer "Holiday"

As I'm sitting here this morning, sipping black coffee before the kiddos wake up, I hear quiet. I hear the crickets outside. David's first day back to teaching is today and thus begins my school year of solo parenting days. It was wonderful to have him home during the summer. But alas it comes to an end.

A lot of changes happen around fall, whether it's nature or whether it's our lives. One major change in our life is that we are set to move next Friday. Don't worry I'll still be around and have plans of plenty humorous posts involving the process of moving, and I even have bigger plans that I hope to share with you all soon (and no not a third baby-yet-maybe-naw)!

So keep an eye out and I'll fill your lives with some upcoming MiddleCoastMommy humor!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Keeping a Happy Marriage

Just engaged! October 2010
So lately when most people either hear about my life or know me well enough to know what I've been up to, the common question is: how do you do it? And most specifically I think they want to know how David and I make it work.

If you're not familiar here's a shortened version: we have a 2 1/2 year old, an almost 2 month old, David works full time and is currently working on his doctorate,  I work part time but also am a stay-at-home Mom (David's work and classes are opposite of my pt job), owning/maintaining a house, two dogs and a cat, etc. Need I highlight the 2 1/2 year old and ALMOST 2 month old?

In all honesty it has been tough. But the short and sweet answer to how we make it work is that we have a strong, supportive, and loving relationship. Yes it's true we are still somewhat "newly-weds" considering this coming July will be year 4 for our marriage, but I would like to think that the beginning stages of a marriage is just as important as 10, 20, 30 and so on years from now!

So, hopefully for your enjoyment I compiled a list of traits, qualities, you name it that help support a healthy, strong, and loving marriage!

And here they are in no particular order:

  • Talk! Ask questions as if you just stared dating, show interest, and be ok with silence too ;)
  • Give and accept compliments.
  • Say "I Love You."
  • Ask for help (don't be afraid of sounding needy, admitting when you need help shows trust and teamanship, takes abnormal pressure off you, and keeps bitterness and resentment at bay. If you can't get help exactly how you want it learn to accept the fact or figure out a way to change it).
  • Hold hands. The simple act of holding hands provides the simple sense of unity.
  • Be intimite. Hugging and beyond. This is something that only you and your partner share, so enjoy it!
  • Cook for one another or better yet cook together!
  • Write secret notes to be found! Hide them in lunch bags, purses, on top of clothes, etc. Small pieces of papers, letters, cards, or even post-its work wonders! :)
  • Sneak into the bathroom when your loved one is taking a shower and write a message on the fogged up mirror! ;)
  • Pick up those, "I was thinking of you," gifts! Something as mundane as a pair of socks to delicious as chocolate covered espresso beans. 
  • Be spiritual together. Whether that means attending church, praying, or whatever it is that boosts your spirit, do it together. 
  • Get physical. Meaning, exercise together! And no I don't mean run on side by side treadmills holding hands, Support each others physical health for a long and happy life! Some fun activities: hiking, kayaking, swimming, running outdoors, gardening, yoga, etc.
  • TRUST one another! Trust and love go hand in hand. You do not fully love your partner unless you trust them fully. You are two peas in a pod, peanut butter to his jelly, the bees to his knees, etc. 
  • Get "ME" time!! It's important to remember that you are also an individual. If you build yourself as an individual, you will only be more lovable!
  • Vacation together even if that means a staycation!
  • Be a parental team. Know each others strengths and weaknesses when it comes to parenting, but also don't always dump certain responsibilities on each other like somedays you are in charge of that spider that gets in the house or fixing dinner that is more than a poptart.
  • Never go to bed angry, talk it out, wake up feeling loved.
  • Laugh together! Luckily David and I totally understand our goofy, silly, and absurd sense of humor! 
  • Understand your "love language." There's a variety of ways people show love and expect to get it, such as vocalized, acts, touch, etc. Hopefully before you get into a marriage you have already figured this one out! It can be tough if you're constantly bumping heads on affection.
  • Do favors.
  • Be polite.
  • Be close to other couples. It's fun to show off your partner, do something fun, and laugh!
  • Be supportive of your couple relationship, but also to individuality. If you work on your individual self, building it to be better (a never ending quest), it will only strengthen your relationship as a couple. Be supportive, trust and love. 
  • Discuss important life decisions. Try not to spring anything big, but also discuss everything even if you're thinking something but are afraid to say it out loud because you fear sounding silly. Remember you are a team.
  • Be understanding. We are human and make mistakes. Some people may have unhealthy tendencies. It's important to work on improving them, but in order to do so you need someone who understands, supports, and loves you no matter what.
  • Help with grooming! Cut/buzz hair, trim beards, mani/pedi, etc. It's romantic in a weird way! Ha!
  • Read together. Surprisingly this quiet, non-interactive time is absolutely adorable.
  • DATE NIGHT! Don't forget it! Get those butterflies fluttering! Even if you become regulars on a Friday night at your favorite restaurant. Be you two as a couple without your little cherub angels! ;)
  • Take care of yourself! Take care of your health and appearance! The health part hopefully you agree, and yeah the appearance part may sound shallow but I believe that if you spruce yourself up and look good (as simple as a shower, brushing your teeth and wear clean clothes) you will feel good! Build up that confidence and let it shine!
  • "Movie" night! In full honesty, David and I haven't been out to the movies since November 2012! It's not that there wasn't a movie we wanted to see, there have been plenty, we just haven't had the opportunity to (or at least we weren't willing to use up our "couple time" on a movie-I imagine when the next Star Wars comes out though we will change our tune haha). But in the meantime we occasionally have a "movie night" at home, but we still build it up with a fun, deliciously unhealthy meal like a pizza or fun treats like popcorn or candy. Oh and there's always cuddling under a blanket! 
  • Be honest. Even if you're afraid it'll show an ugly side of you, remember we are always working on improving ourselves as an individual and as a couple.
  • Be willing to make sacrifices.
  • Oh, I'll leave you with a VERY simple and easy one, but it speaks volumes! Greet one another! When your loved one comes home say for example, "Hello." "How are you?" "I missed you!" "I'm so glad you're home!" "I Love You!" Believe me acknowledging someone's existence is totally worth it! 
Ok, so hopefully I have given you a vast array of helpful, fun, and cute tidbits as to how to keep a happy marriage alive and well whether you've been together 1 or 60 years!

XOXO <3,

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Leo's Birth Story

Leo Michael-Born April 6, 2015
Children are a beautiful blessing. Each child is so different like each pregnancy is so different, and every birth story is different. And so I felt the need to share my own with you. Leo Michael is my second child, and my first, Zooey Anne, her birth story was totally different. Amazing how that works.

At the end of March, at my 39 week appointment I was asked to schedule a stress test for the following week since I hadn't started dilating yet. This wasn't a surprise to me considering I was late by almost a week with my first.

Later that evening David got a call from his Dad who scored opening day Chicago Cubs tickets with a pregame party with the Rickets family (the owners of the team). His Dad was seeing if David could join him, the catch, though, was it being on Easter Sunday afternoon/evening (2 days before my due date). Since I wasn't showing any signs of my impending labour and that being a once in a lifetime opportunity for David plus good bonding time with his Dad I told him to go for it.

Okay so here it starts getting more honest and "medical" haha. Saturday morning I woke up to not only my last scheduled day at work, but also pieces of my mucus plug! It made me so nervous to work the entire 9-5 day that I decided to finish up the little details before my 10 week maternity leave, and work just half a day (I work part time as a children's librarian). Who knew if I would end up in the hospital later that day or the next!

Zooey Easter Egg Hunting
We hadn't planned a whole lot for the following day, Easter, considering we never really knew if there would be a baby or not and especially since by this point I was feeling v e r y pregnant. All I really felt like doing was sleeping, waking up for food, and then sleeping. But instead of sleep, eat, sleep, we had a pleasant morning with the three of us. We opted out of going to church this year. I didn't feel up to the stress of entertaining a 2 year old and being an obtrusive, uncomfortable, crabby ball during church. So we had breakfast of fresh fruit and cranberry scones. Zooey enjoyed her Easter basket (filled with a couple books, crayons, coloring book, drawing pad, and chocolate graham goldfish). Afterwards she went Easter egg hunting in our backyard. We had filled a few eggs with graham goldfish. She LOVED finding the eggs and was pretty darn good at it too!

The plan for the day was simple. A pleasant morning and then David heads off to the Cubs game while my parents come over and we have a quiet simple evening. I know it sounds like I'm building up right now that my water broke and I delivered on the side of the road while I drove myself to the hospital. No, it actually was that simple evening that I had hoped for. David went to the Cubs game and had a great time. He actually even met Billy Corgan! My evening with my parents was great too. I would say it was actually the most pleasant Easter I spent with them for the past few years! We had sparkling grape juice with home cooked Alaskan Salmon, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Roasted Potato and cake for dessert. It was delicious and it was lovely. We said our goodbye's, and I put Zooey down for bedtime.

Zooey & I playing between contractions
I was expecting David to get home around 10:30 or 11 pm, but when I looked at the clock and looked at what inning they were in I knew it'd be a longer night than expected. So I pleasantly read and fell asleep, or at least tried to. Shortly after I tried to sleep I started feeling discomfort about every 10 minutes or so. It wasn't too bad, but enough to notice. By the time David got home around 12:30 AM I had a feeling that I was in labor. I didn't want to make him nervous since it was so early on, so I said hello gave him hugs and kisses and he went to sleep. I tried to sleep too, but kept getting woken up with every contraction. By about 3am I was too uncomfortable with every contraction that I knew there is no way that David was going into work. I could tell I was having a baby Monday (one day before my due date). So at 3am I woke him up and told him the news. So we talked and timed the contractions, called the nurses on the warm line, and spoke with his Mom (who was going to be watching Zooey). The contractions had moved up to about 7 minutes apart and we were waiting for those lucky 5 minutes apart. We thought we'd be leaving in an hour or so, so we started getting ready: packing the final items in our bags, showering, changing, etc. But after all of that my contractions slowed down to 10-14 minutes apart! So gladly I fell asleep for a couple hours. When I woke up we continued on our day monitoring the time of the contractions which remained 10 minutes or longer apart. Zooey however was not a fan of my contractions. She was really worried, and it broke my heart knowing that all she wanted to do was make me feel better but could not. We called the warm line back just updating them since instead of progressing the contraction were further apart. Shortly after the phone call, however, my contractions picked up again and became 3-5 minutes apart! So it was an immediate we need to get out of the house and to the hospital!

We dropped Zooey off at Nana's, headed to the hospital, and was admitted at 2:30 pm, because I was dilated 3cm. The nurse walked us over to the delivery room to be set up. The doctor came in and told me that most likely I'd be deliver in about 6 hours (the norm for 2nd timers) and so that would be around 9pm. She also explained I might need pictocin and my water broken. After she left and after answering a few questions the nurse attempted to start an IV for me. It was awful. I did warn her that I was not an easy IV patient and I get really nervous. I stupidly got so nervous this time I almost fainted and they needed smelling salts and an oxygen mask to keep me awake. Another nurse came and started the IV. Part of the problem was that during the whole process I kept having contractions. They felt quite close together. I wasn't due to be checked for dilation, but the nurse thought it'd be a good idea for her to check since she noticed how uncomfortable I was becoming.

It felt like she was checking forever, and finally announced, "Not to scare you, but we need to set the room up for delivery! You are at 9 cm!!" WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?! I knew I was feeling a lot of pain, but that whole time I was thinking to myself, "You just got admitted, don't be a baby, deal with the pain, it's going to get a lot worse, you can do this!" Apparently I secretly coach-talked myself into feeling "no pain" to the point I was ready to deliver! I couldn't believe the news. Nurses, techs, the doctor sped in and set up the room. I told them that I had planned on getting pain relief and hoped I could get something still. Apparently they don't typically give you anything if you haven't had a full IV bag yet (which I hadn't), but luckily was able to get some pain relief. They administered a "one shot" which helped with the intensity of the contractions and a numbing shot. I 100% could feel and move my legs, the contractions were less painful but I still could feel them, and when I was pushing I could feel everything, but a tolerable everything meaning I could feel the crowing and the birth.

Part of me wishes I just went for it without the pain relief since I had gotten that far, I really could have gone all the way, but I was glad to have experienced the sensations of the birth without excruciating pain.

I look and am SO happy!
From the time they announced I was 9cm to the time I gave birth it probably was about 30 minutes? It was so fun to give that final push, feel the baby being born, and the doctor saying, "You thought it might be a girl, and it is a...." She flips the baby around and says, "It's a boy!" He was screaming to the top of his lungs, they cuddled him up on my chest, stitched me up, and then did everything they needed to do with him while they cleaned me up.

David and I were in total shock. It was crazy to think that just after we were admitted David had called our families to let them know I was admitted and expect a baby around 9pm, and then only a couple hours later he called them again to tell them, "It's a boy!" They were all so pleasantly shocked!

I feel that Leo's birth story is truly beautiful. I'm still shocked at how strong I was through the whole labour and birth. I feel that in full confidence that I can tell anyone that you can handle it! And if not that numbing shot works wonders! ;)

I wish all mommies to be the best of luck with your birth story! You will do beautifully and brilliantly!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's a Boy!

Welcome Leo Michael!
It may have seemed like I have fallen off the planet, which is true and for good reason. On Monday, April 6 at 5:37 p.m. we were surprised with a beautiful baby boy! His name is Leo Michael and he is a major cuddle bug.

xoxo, middlecoastmommy

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter! <3

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, March 30, 2015

What I Ate Monday #9

You're in luck today, because you get to witness that I actually am human and eat out!

-Protein Granola Bar
-Espresso (remember 200mg of caffeine or less is ok during pregnancy)

Vegan Wrap
-Vegan wrap: Sun dried tomato wrap with honey dijon dressing, tomato, cucumber, and bell pepper (wrapped in foil to help it stay together)

-Handful of dark chocolate nonpareils candy (from a local-yummy-candy shop)

Dinner (Carry out Mexican-justifies that I'm a pregnant human being. At least I went for a long walk before hand!):
-Tortilla Chips with salsa and guacamole
-Vegan Burrito (tortilla, black beans, fajita veggies, tomato and corn salsa, avocado, and lettuce)
-Lots of water!

Can't wait for more nonpareils! My favorite! Yum!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Saturday, March 28, 2015

6 years!

Yesterday, March 27th marked 6 years of David and I being together. We have known each other for
10 years, been together for 6 years, and this summer married for 4 years! It's an incredible thing!

And so, last night I started thinking about everything that has happened during those past 6 years for us. There has been plenty of good and bad, but it has all led us to become so close and our relationship so strong.

Let's review! :)

The Past 6 Years:

  • I graduated college
  • We each got our own first apartments
  • Replaced a car
  • I have worked 9 different jobs (Coffee shop, Special Needs Teacher Assistant, K-12 Substitute Teacher, Children's Librarian Assistant, Adult Librarian Assistant, Young Adult Librarian Assistant, Children's Librarian, and Art Teacher at a community college and local art studio for kids)! Most of them being temporary positions, which is what many of us graduates scored post graduation. 
  • Got engaged, married, and honeymooned
  • Attended 8 weddings
  • Attended 5 funerals
  • Bought and moved into our first home
  • Had our first baby
  • Pregnant with our second (almost there! Only 1 week and 3 days to go)
  • Got 2 dogs and 1 cat
  • Been on 6 trips (most of them close by: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida)
  • David graduated with his Masters
  • David is part of a published book, "In Defense of Read-Aloud"  by Dr. Steven Layne
  • David was accepted for publication in the English Journal (to be published in May 2015)
  • David started his doctorate
  • We have played almost 10 shows (?)
  • Opened up my MiddleCoast Etsy Shop
  • I was in a play (and featured in the newspaper believe it or not-ha)!
  • My hair has been blonde, red, blonde, platinum, brown, and natural all the way from a pixie cut to long hair to a pixie cut again! 
  • I have participated in at least six 5ks, one 4 mile, one 10k trail run, and one 10 mile run 
Overall, I'd say that's a lot of living! 6 years and going on strong! :D

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Zooey's Birth Story

As the time is drawing near to meet le bebe #2, I think back to how Zooey came into the world. Recently I've heard some pretty dramatic birth stories from family, friends, and coworkers (EX: a baby "exploding" out of a mom!), but I'm here to tell you that they aren't all that dramatic (at least that was my experience with Zooey).

37 weeks with my first (Zooey)
Even though Zooey was due around Thanksgiving 2012, I knew weeks prior that she would most likely be late. My body was showing zero signs of being ready. I just joked with everyone saying that she loves Thanksgiving leftovers too much. But during that time it seemed like everyone was giving me advice on how to induce labor. One example being, "walk the curb," which being one foot up on the curb, one foot on the street. "Walk the curb" they tell me, "W A L K the curb!" Truth be told, I didn't walk the curb.

Around 1pm the Wednesday after Thanksgiving I noticed I had cramps and occasional tightening of the belly, but I didn't get too excited. It wasn't until 11pm that Wednesday night that I knew something was happening, and that's because... (cover your eyes if you're squeamish and honestly just look at the pictures in this post and ignore the text) but I lost my "mucus plug." It wasn't something like, "huh. I wonder what that is?" It was most obvious, and a clear sign to me that the combo of cramps, tightening of my belly (contractions) and the mucus plug equaled labor. We called the hospital's "warm line" to give them a heads up that things were progressing with me, and they suggested trying to get some rest. That sounded great, but by that time my contractions were getting painful and anywhere between 4 to 10 minutes apart. I tried falling asleep, but just couldn't.

So I timed the contractions and attempted to watch TV. By 5:30 AM I was finally so exhausted that I started falling asleep between contractions, which at that pointed averaged 7 minutes apart. Right as I was drifting off to sleep I got a sudden gushing, wet sensation. I knew I wasn't losing control of my bladder (that was obvious), so I knew that my water broke. I was actually pretty excited about that, because that guaranteed I would be admitted into the hospital! (If you go into the hospital and your contractions aren't close enough, they will send you home. But if your water breaks, you are admitted and should have a baby within 24 hours. So my water breaking was my "golden ticket"). The only problem was it's not like in the movies where there's a cute splash of water and then it's done, every time I had a contraction more water came out (my tip is to wear a pad)!

So, we called the warm line again and are told to come into the hospital. We get our bags and are headed out the door. It was fun passing my husband's work (a high school) on the way to the hospital, because. everyone in the school was going on about their day as if it was a typical Thursday, but we knew this wasn't a typical Thursday for us, we were welcoming a baby girl or boy!

40 weeks with my first (Zooey)
When we arrived at the hospital I imagined we'd be escorted into a room right away since I did the smart thing and sent in my information and insurance in a preregistery form. Only, instead, I had to fill out MORE paperwork during my contractions and additional gushes of water! Eventually I am taken to my labor and delivery room where I'm am immediately strapped down, hooked up, and poked multiple times looking for a good IV spot. After sufficiently freaking me out I am asked more questions until the doctor comes in saying, "I hear your water broke. I'm going to have to check that." He rather uncomfortably "felt around" trying to tell whether or not my water had broken to announce that he couldn't tell. Now I know the difference between peeing myself and my water breaking that I desperately tried thinking of what I could do to prove it. Luckily, though,  I got another contraction right as he was about to leave the room and with that contraction another gush of water. He was able to verify that yes indeed my water broke and then became rather "old school" and announced, "Bed rest, no food, no liquid by mouth," and that my contractions needed to speed up so start an inducer.

Rather quickly my contractions became close together and strong. Nurses were still asking questions and filling out forms. To be honest I have NO idea what they were asking me. I was in a lot of pain and barely able to talk to them through the contractions. On top of that my blood pressure cuff kept setting off alarms that my blood pressure had plummeted into the negative numbers! They tried a few different cuffs on me, but all the same result. Not sure why it was doing that, but I nonetheless had to wear the cuff the ENTIRE time I was in labor!

I dilated rather quickly, and gave the thumbs up to a walking epidural. No one had ever really talked to me about what that felt like, so to my surprise even with a numbing shot prior, it hurt. It was a very uncomfortable sensation, but at least it worked! I've heard some stories of epidurals not working properly, and my story is that it did! I was able to "feel" the contractions but not with intense pain, and since I received a walking epidural I was able to move my legs (not walk of course), but I could nonetheless move them and feel them.

The whole experience thus far left me freaked out and shaking like a leaf. David luckily convinced me to let my sister visit while we were still in the "getting ready" process before pushing. I was very hesitant at first since I felt like a total mess, but am glad that I finally said ok. She normalized me to the point I wasn't shaking anymore and I actually started laughing again.

After some time had passed, I was ready to push. The nurses had me switch to being on my left or right side to try to help the baby even out. Apparently, my little one was not coming out straight, and my guess maybe a shoulder would have gotten stuck? I was very grateful to have nurses at this point who were total cheerleaders. At the very last moment is when the doctor came in with plenty of other crew to do all the little jobs that must be done post delivery.

Zooey Day 1
Our little one made the nurses and doctors laugh, because the very moment the head came out this baby wanted to scream. After clearing out her mouth and nostrils, I gave my final push and she was born. It was so much fun to hear that we had a baby girl after my last baby push. We never found out the gender, and it was such a special moment to know that I had a little girl.

To be honest, after I delivered Zooey I don't remember the order of everything that happened. I know that I delivered the placenta, was stitched up, David cut the umbilical cord, I held and nursed her right away, she got hand and foot prints and got cleaned up. Shortly after and totally unexpected I was asked to order dinner. We had been admitted at 7:30 am, she was born at 5:55 pm, and I hadn't eaten anything but peanut butter toast before I left our house in the morning. Apparently, the kitchens were closing at 6:30 pm and they wanted me to get food in my tummy. It honestly felt like 5 minutes before family came into the room to meet Zooey, and it honestly felt like 5 minutes later that I needed to go to my room.

Again, I really don't remember the order and timing of everything, but I know I did eventually eat, visit family, and pee for the first time. Even though we were expected to get sleep eventually, I'm not sure I slept at all for about 72 hours straight to be honest. I couldn't sleep really, because nurses kept coming in the room to check on me or draw blood, and every peep or sound Zooey made I woke up to, because I just didn't know what her little noises meant yet. Not to mention newborns eat every couple hours, and Zooey was a little connoisseur. She loved taking her time to eat.

Even though our two days in the hospital flew by I think it is really important as a new mother to get out of bed, shower, change into regular comfortable clothes, and sit anywhere else but your bed. I was sore, but for the state of my mood I tried to make my time as normal as possible. In fact I think the nurses even noticed. Whenever I had a new nurse, they came into our room and saw me with Zooey looking pretty relaxed on the couch they said, "This is your second?" I always took that as a compliment that it looked like I knew what I was doing!
1 Week Old Zooey

A couple hours before it was time for us to leave, a nurse had us watch a video on taking care of a baby, and then we were off. I always imagined I'd be whisked off in a wheel chair to the car holding my newborn baby and a bouquet of flowers, but in all honesty it was quite the opposite. The nurse speed walked to our car helping David with Zooey and our bags and gifts while I painfully tried to keep up with them, w a l k i n g. Wasn't as romantic as in my head originally.

We continued to get cards, flowers, food, and gifts from family, friends, and coworkers throughout the following week or two. It was amazing to see all the love from everyone. That love combined with the cuteness of a newborn baby made our first few sleepless weeks possible (thank you 3am banana bread)!

In all honesty, I am still scared to death to deliver my second baby. I know that every pregnancy and every delivery has its own stories. I just hope and pray that my second will be just as dull!

Good luck to all you future mommies out there! You will all do beautifully!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, March 16, 2015

What I Ate Monday #8

-Oatmeal with Almond Milk, dried cranberries, raw walnuts

-Cerise Limon La Croix
-Vegan wrap (Roasted red pepper wrap, roasted red pepper hummus, mixed greens, yellow pepper, cucumber, and tomato)

-2 Dark Chocolate Squares
-1 slice of Irish Soda bread with organic coconut oil spread
-Smoothie (Whole banana, handful of strawberries, honey, yogurt, and ice)

Jalapeno Lean Turkey Burger
-Grilled (Homemade) Jalapeno Lean Turkey Burger on whole wheat bun with organic vegan sriracha mayo, spring greens, tomato, and avocado

Lean Turkey Burger Ingredients:
-Lean Ground Turkey
-Kosher Salt
-Black Pepper
-Fresh diced Jalapeno
-Diced Sweet Onion
-Cajun Seasoning
-Olive Oil

Happy Eating!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pack a Hospital Bag

Happy Baby Time!
Considering today I'm 36 weeks pregnant, I practically only have labor, delivery, and babies on my mind. So I thought it'd be the perfect time to share some tips on packing a bag for the hospital.

I recommend having a mostly-packed bag ready a month early even if you aren't expecting to deliver early. It just helps to know that you are prepped. And when I say mostly-packed I mean mostly. Some of the items you want to bring are last minute items so I recommend creating a list of what those items are so that when the time comes you know exactly what you need!

One of the first things you want to have prepped is the car seat carrier. You'll want to make sure the fabric is cleaned before use, the carrier base and carrier seat installed in your car, and checked before even arriving at the hospital.

Over packing can put those, "What if I need that!?!" anxious thoughts to rest, but really you're probably just over packing. If you deliver vaginally you'll most likely be in the hospital for two days, and if it is a Cesarean most likely it will be four days. If perhaps you realize once at the hospital that you do indeed desperately need something, don't be afraid to ask. I'm sure family and friends would be happy to help you out, and perhaps even the hospital might have this item for you. So for the sake of your cars shocks or number 2's back, please try not to over pack (my recommendations are based on simple needs).

Baby items can be shared in your or your number 2's bag (being your husband, partner, family, friend, WHOEVER you have with you).

Baby Items to Include:
-Coming home outfit
-A lovie
-A blanket
-A boppy pillow (fantastic for breastfeeding or holding your newborn)

Number 2's Bag:
-Nice Camera (if you have one, otherwise phones keep getting better and better)
-Phone chargers
-going home outfit
-snacks (EX: protein bars, bananas, etc.)

Mommy To Be/New Mommy Bag:
-Nursing and/or comfy bra
-Comfy pants
-Comfy t-shirts/tank tops
-Comfy sweater/zip up hoodie
-Going home outfit
-Bath products
-Make up
-Hair Accessories (headbands, head wraps, bobby pin, hair tie, etc.)

**Pack 2-4 clothing items each in case you have a 2-4 day excursion
**Bath items: (Find out what the hospital has for patients first. Mine actually was like a hotel experience with mini bath and body works products! So I actually didn't need much, but just in case...) Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, body and face soap, body and face lotion, hair products, contacts/glasses items, pads (in case you despise the hospital's), lanolin (sore nipple relief), nursing pads (leak proof yo'shirt!)
**Bring "distraction items" of your choice. This can be a favorite photograph, music, your cell phone (hello Pinterest), magazine(s), book(s), board or card games, aromatherapy oils, etc.
**Lastly, bring what you need for the weather, which could be coats, hats, scarves, mittens/gloves, sunglasses, etc.

Good luck!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, March 9, 2015

What I Ate Monday #7

-Small Iced Aztec Mocha with Almond Milk (from my favorite Coffee Shop!)
-Blueberry Cliff Bar (one of my favorites!)

Raspberry Walnut Turkey Salad
-Bread with organic coconut oil butter
-Salad: Organic spring mix greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, small handful of raw walnuts (unsalted, raw nuts carry the most nutrition), small handful of dried cranberries, small amount of honey roasted turkey breast lunch meat (a more natural, high quality lunch meat is okay to eat during pregnancy), and drizzle of Annie's Light Raspberry Vinaigrette 

-Chocolate Ice Cream (with a lactaid of course)

-Sandwich: whole wheat bread, sriracha just mayo (delicious, natural, vegan mayo), spring greens mix, yellow bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, and turkey

Yummy, yummy!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, March 2, 2015

What I Ate Monday #6

Overall I think I ate rather healthy today although my mind kept screaming CHOCOLATE at me! I suppose it's a good thing we don't have any at home, because I would probably gain 5 pounds between today and my Friday OB/GYN check up if it was readily available. ;)

-Oatmeal and strawberries
-Water with lime
-Coffee with cinnamon

-Salad (Turkey, walnuts, tomato, cucumber, Amy's raspberry dressing)
-Bread with organic coconut butter
-Water with lime

-One orange
Healthy Baked Salmon and Steamed Vegetables
-Handful of pretzels
-Peanut butter

-Steamed vegetables
-Baked Salmon
1. Thaw salmon
2. Season salmon with olive oil, sea salt, black pepper and drizzle with lemon      
3. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 mins (lightly wrapped in tin foil)

Yummy yummy!

Xoxo, MiddleCoastMommy

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Home Sweet Home Wreath

Home Sweet Home Wreath
I realized I have yet to post an update on my springish wreath I created a few blogs back about the Flamingo Toe's Sweetheart Valentine's Day inspired wreath I created. Originally it was meant to go on the front door, but it looked too perfect on our fireplace mantel. So I decided to create a similar wreath for our front door. 

The main difference between the two is that instead of the word "LOVE" I embroidered a house, the word "SWEET" and another house making it... Home Sweet Home. It looks adorable at our front door and has helped ward off the wintering snow surrounding us! ;)

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy
Home Sweet Home Wreath

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Stay-B-Moon Baby Love!
A few weeks ago we had our glorious Stay-B-Moon, and I must say it was just as satisfying as our first Babymoon in Door County, Wisconsin.

Starting Friday evening I took the time to create an at-home-spa of a long and soothing shower, a facial, and ending the evening with sparkling grape juice and snuggling up to my love with one of my favorite romantic movies, Pride and Prejudice.

The next morning I continued the relaxation by starting off with a bowl of fresh mixed fruit, and getting a manicure, pedicure, and a hair trim/style inspired by Whippy Cake's Curly Hair (with a scalp massage of course) at one of my favorite Aveda salons. A couple reasons I love my Aveda salon is that not only do they use Opi nail care (which is supposedly safe during pregnancy), but also Aveda products which are incredibly natural and smell fabulous!

Vintage Brass Kitty
After the salon I ventured out to one of my favorite hidden gems of a resale shop and found some lovely vintage items such as a brass kitty! Then I came home to a delicious homemade veggie wrap and cuddles with Zooey before her nap time. While she napped (and David worked on
Cute Faux Plants
his Doctorate work) I headed out to some of my favorite shops (a combination of resale and boutiques), and came home with adorably-rustic glass jars and faux succulents. I finished just in time to wake Zooey up from her nap and get her ready for a sleepover at her Nana's house. Once Zooey was dropped off for the evening, David and I had a romantic dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant. I ate my much loved pasta dish with spicy sauce and mixed roasted vegetables. We saved dessert for the chocolate covered strawberries at home.

Yum! Brunch!
The following morning we woke up to lots of snow. Looking at the weather we decided we could still make our brunch reservation and be able to pick up Zooey before the snow became the blizzard it did! I'm glad we were able to make it to brunch too. We went to a cute place along the river where an old tree grows from and through the inside of the restaurant and out. I had been wanting to go there for years, but just never was able to. I picked one of their specials, which was a chocolate Belgium waffle with door county cherries and a side of fresh mixed fruit. It was so satisfying and delicious. Our breakfast together was the perfect way to end our Stay-B-Moon.

Cute Wintery Brunch

About an hour after picking up Zooey we got the call that schools were cancelled due to the blizzard and freezing cold. Considering David is a teacher we were able to extend our relaxing weekend into Monday too. Such a lovely surprise!

One happy Mommy!


    XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, February 23, 2015

What I Ate Monday #5

Today was a simple food day. Preparation yes, but complication no. Bon appetit!

-1/2 cup of oatmeal mixed with 1/2 cup of almond milk and half of a large banana

-Salad with baked chicken breast (orange pepper, tomato, cucumber, and Dijon dressing)
-1/4 cup of cantaloupe
Baked Cajun Chicken Breast

-Cranberry Scone (from a local bakery)

-Baked chicken breast seasoned with olive oil and Cajun spice
-Steamed green beans and roasted potatoes

Xoxo, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, February 16, 2015

What I Ate Monday #4

The other week I realized I should create a new blog called "Pregcipes" because being pregnant you crave weird food combinations. So even though I think that my food is delicious hopefully you all think it makes sense, because I just thought what if all of this is just really weird... Oh well, enjoy! :)

Baked Chicken Salad
-Coffee and Water
-1/2 cup of homemade oatmeal with 1/2 cup almond milk, dash of cinnamon, and 1/2 cup of freshly cut strawberries

-Whole Wheat Bread with Organic Coconut Oil Spread (a margarine/butter substitute)
*Chicken Salad
-Baked Chicken Breast (spritzed with olive oil and dashed with Cajun seasoning)
-Salad Greens
-Red Onion
-One Hard boiled Egg
- Three Pepperoncini peppers
-Drizzled with honey Dijon dressing

-1/2 slice of chocolate chip banana bread

-Lasagna (yes, we sure do still have leftovers from Valentine's Day! It's made with plenty of vegetables, extra lean ground turkey, and my slice is always "cheeseless")

-Two chocolates

Happy Eating!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day <3 MiddleCoastMommy!
Valentine's Day has not always been my number one favorite holidays, but it has become one of my favorites over the past few years because of my lovely, David. Not only has having someone lovely like him to share it with, but being a Mom to a beautiful two year old girl adds a certain charm to the day. I would like to add, though, that this whole "galentine's" idea that I've seen recently is adorably cute, and glad to see it becoming a thing.

This year we decided to switch things up and instead of an evening out, we decided to have a delicious morning at one of our new favorite places to brunch, and make homemade lasagna (which I'll post our recipe in the future) for a quiet, relaxing yet romantic evening.

Brunch involved:
Delicious Valentine's Day Brunch
-Chicago roasted Intelligentsia Coffee (and water of course)
-David loved his Door County Cherry stuffed French Toast with a side of fresh roasted potatoes.
-I loved my veggie egg white omelet (with roasted orange and red pepper, asparagus, squash, and spinach) with a side of fresh roasted potatoes and black bean salsa, a toasted english muffin with marmalade, and a side of fresh fruit (blueberries, cantelope, honeydew and grapes).

Eating brunch, family cuddles (considering it was a windchill -20 degree day), and homemade cooking made our Valentine's Day a wonderful day. I hope all of my MiddleCoastMommy readers had a lovely day and weekend as well!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Stay-B-Moon Prep

Stay-B-Moon Prep
If you're like me and unable to have a babymoon (or even a mini-vacation), here are some tips on
how to prep for your very own Stay-B-Moon or staycation!

Stay-B-Moon Prep

  • Clean the entire house! That means sweep, swiffer, mop, vacuum, dishes, bathrooms, dust, laundry, etc. It means everything! You want the house to feel spotless.
  • Replace sheets, towels, and even soaps! With fresh new items it feels even more like you're staying at a B&B!
  • Make your reservations. Whether you're having a fancy dinner, brunch, or spa day, book your spot.
  • Pretend you're a tourist and find things for your itinerary that you normally wouldn't do. 
  • Speaking of itineraries, create one! This will help things flow. Even though stay-b-moon's are a time to relax, it's relaxing to know what you can and cannot fit into your weekend. You'll want to make sure that you have plenty of time between activities. 
  • Once everything is planned, end the evening prior to your stay-b-moon with a long shower, facial mask, and your favorite movie with sparkling grape juice and chocolates! 
Happy planning!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cute DIY Makeup Organizer

For the longest time I stored all of my makeup including my brushes in a cute cosmetic bag that I kept in my vanity. Eventually that cute bag became very loved-Velveteen Rabbit loved. So I thought instead of replacing it with another bag I would create a cute organizer. So here is a short tutorial on creating one of your own!
Cute DIY Makeup Organizer

Cute DIY Makeup Organizer

Supplies: Plastic silverware organizer (I picked mine up for about $5 at Target), paint (I used a light
pink pearl paint from Martha Stewart), paintbrush, and either gold paint or a gold sharpie (I used a sharpie).

1. Draw or paint circles on base of plastic organizer with gold color.
2. Paint inside edges and top of plastic organizer.
3. Allow to dry. Apply one to two more coats.
4. Finish drying, organize your makeup into compartments, put away, use and enjoy!

Monday, February 2, 2015

What I Ate Monday 3

Healthy Scramble Eggs
Here's what I ate on this snowy Monday:

-Scrambled Eggs (I whisk two large eggs in a bowl, splash a little vanilla almond milk with the eggs,
mix together, and scramble in a preheated pan)
-Strawberry halves
-Cantelope cubes

-Veggie Wrap
-Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

-One (half) chocolate-dipped shortbread cookie (It was in a cute heart shape too!)
-Hot Coco made with Almond Milk

-Baked Chicken Breast with Cajun seasoning
-Steamed veggies

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Love Valentine's Day Wreath Tutorial

Handmade Love Valentine's Day Wreath
Since I've been so longing for an end to this winter I decided to update our wintery wreath for a festive Valentine's Day one! However, I must admit that I love my wreath too much for it to brave the elements outside so I have it beautifully displaying on our fireplace, and I personally have plans to make another similar wreath to have outside our front door.

So how was I wreath-inspired you ask? Well, I am not ashamed to admit that I am a big fan of Pinterest. You can find me on Pinterest here. While I was browsing wreath ideas I came across Sweetheart Valentine's Day Wreath by blogger Flamingo Toes. If you aren't familiar with Flamingo Toes please do become familiar! If you enjoy crafting like me, you most likely will be endlessly inspired.

I must admit that I did follow Flamingo Toes Sweetheart Valentine's Day Wreath tutorial to create mine, so I cannot take full credit for its creation. The only major difference between my wreath and hers is that I embroidered the word "LOVE" instead of "Sweet." If you're interested in making this wreath or one inspired by this feel free to use your own word too. Flamingo Toes also has a variety of tutorials on flower making which also can add in making your wreath look one of a kind!

Overall, I'd say the Love Valentine's Day Wreath was enjoyable to create. It was not necessarily hard, but there were plenty of minor steps so to some it may feel tedious but the end result is worth the time spent!

Let me know if you make this wreath, a similar wreath, or another craft inspired by the blog.

Happy Crafting!


Monday, January 26, 2015

What I Ate Monday

Alright! It's week 2 already for "What I Ate Monday!" Each week I'll feature one dish while listing out what I had for the rest of the day. Hope you enjoy!

Healthy Old Fashioned Oatmeal with Strawberries

Healthy Oatmeal (*Featured Dish)
-1/2 cup old fashioned oats mixed with 1/2 cup Vanilla Almond Breeze Milk heated for 2 minutes in the microwave
-Couple dashes of cinnamon (one of my favorite spices)
-1/4 cup freshly cut strawberries
-Water to drink

This simple, healthy dish doesn't need a spoon of sugar! The Almond Milk gives it some sweetness, cinnamon added flavor, and the strawberries an extra kick.

-Small Aztec Mocha with Almond Milk (my FAVORITE coffee drink! and yes, pregnant women are allowed 200 mg of caffeine max so i'm ok)
-Turkey Salad with hard boiled egg, cherry tomato, onion, pepper, and honey dijon dressing
-Water to drink

(Sweet) Snack:
-Handful of semi-sweet chocolate morsels (can't resist that chocolate)
-Water to drink

-Potato and green beans with baked chicken
-And more water to drink!

Happy Monday!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

DIY Engagement Gift Basket

Engagement Gift Basket
Recently a good friend of mine got engaged and to share my thrill with her, I created an engagement gift basket! It's a fun and nice thing to do for your friends or family who get engaged! So here's what I did:

Engagement Gift Basket ala MiddleCoastMommy:

  1. Wrap a box in cute gift wrap
  2. Line/stuff the box with tissue paper
  3. Fill the box with engagement goodies! In my case I picked a bridal magazine, some bubbly, a small cute notebook with a pink pen, two romantic heart wall sconces with votive candle holders and candles, relaxing lavendar bath oil and facial mask combo, and topped off with candy and a card!
Hope this gives you some good ideas when it becomes your turn to give!

xoxo, MiddleCoastMommy

Monday, January 19, 2015

What I Ate Monday

Thought it'd be fun to try a regular posting on Mondays called "What I Ate Monday." Since this is the first time I'm doing this I'll just highlight what I ate for lunch today, but in the future I'll show off my entire day.

Veggie Sandwich with more.... VEGGIES!

Veggie Sandwich:
Veggie Sandwich with side of VEGGIES
-Two slices of whole wheat bread (I use Sara Lee whole wheat for two reasons-not a ridiculous amount of calories and no high fructose corn syrup-one of my major no-no's!)
-Classic hummus spread on each slice (Hummus is a great substitute for condiments like mayo)
-A large handful of raw spinach
-4 slices of pepper (any color works)
-4 thin slices of cucumber
-2-3 thin slices of tomato

Veggie Side:
-Handful of broccoli
-Handful of cauliflower
-2 TBSP classic hummus
-Pepperoncini (1-3 total)
**I cut and broke up a head of broccoli and cauliflower so that I have a ton for the week. I've found the pre-cut raw veggies in the bags get used up VERY quickly-at least in our house.

-La Croix Pamplemousse (my latest favorite flavor)

Happy Monday!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Saturday, January 17, 2015


WhippyCake's iconic pixie-cut
So recently I discovered WhippyCake and I'm in love!

WhippyCake's beauty is Becki who is a talented stylist filled with plenty of wonderful tutorials on skin routine, beauty products, styling pixie cuts, make-up, etc. She's been quite an inspiration to me as of late not only because she's a stunning combination of beautiful and cute, but also she's a Mom of FOUR!

So here's to picking up my beauty routine! Cheers! ;)

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Friday, January 16, 2015

Cabin Fever Remedies

I thought it may be time to share some MiddleCoastMommy tips on dealing with cabin fever. Even if you live in a climate where you can get out of the house, sometimes cabin fever can be brought on simply by those "down in the dumps" feelings, and yes everyone can have them.

So if you're feeling stuck in the house whether you're a mommy or not, I hope this helps!

Cabin Fever Remedies MiddleCoastMommy style:

  • First off develop that "Nobody's going to call me a Softie!" attitude. Refuse to give in, push yourself through the toughest situations and you can do that with a chirpy or even  "bad ass" demeanor, but DO IT! 
  • Turn up some positive energy tunes whether that's dance music, oldies, or even some good ol' classic rock. Whatever gets you pumped, turn it up and dance around. This can be especially fun with the little ones!
  • Become a "chef." By that I mean develop the confidence to try new recipes and display your dishes in fine culinary style.
  • Stretch! Simple as that. When our bodies feel stiff, of course we don't want to get out of bed or off the couch, but when our bodies are stretched you'll feel ready for anything and everything.
  • Exercise or at least move often! Don't stay dormant, be the opposite of lazybones!
  • Clean. Messy houses are not the kind that make you want to get up and dance, they're the kind that makes you want to run and hide under the covers. Cleaning is not a once a week activity, it's more of an every day activity and can be part of your "move often" initiative.
  • Eat and drink healthy (no CRAP-carbonated drinks, refined sugars, artificial food, processed food). When you give your body healthy food and drink you feel light and energetic.
  • Call family and/or friends to chat or set up a time to visit. Make sure your calendar is filled with positive people!
  • Pick up a hobby or a DIY activity. You can perfect old talents or always discover new ones.
  • Pretend you're actually at a luxury spa, and you're not stuck inside because of some ol' blizzard outside, but rather because it's your day to be pampered! Make DIY scrubs and facial masks, soak in the tub, deep condition your hair, or give yourself a mani/pedi just as a few ideas. If you're looking for how-to's you'll find plenty on Pinterest
  • "Dress to the nines!" While 3rd trimester MiddleCoastMommy really is digging her yoga pants and leggings right now, sometimes it's just really nice to doll yourself up in something pretty, jazz up your hair and makeup, and top yourself off with your favorite jewelry. Even if you're just going to be around the house all day it's still fun to play dress up! ;)
  • Learn a new language! You can either borrow books from a library or buy your own, or try something more interactive like buying Rosetta Stone or trying Duolingo for free. 
  • Get inspired. TED talks is a wonderful way to start! 
  • LAUGH! It's important to laugh every day, hard. So make sure those hilarious people or cute animal videos are part of your life every day. 
The more you think about it, a list like this can get longer and longer. So let that be encouraging! Instead of letting cabin fever get you bored and down think of it rather as the perfect opportunity to do what it is that makes you smile.

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Volcanic Coffee

Today I witnessed an event I never thought possible: volcanic coffee. No, I'm not talking a volcano brownie flavored coffee drink. I'm talking bubbling-fizzing-overflowing-volcanic-spewing coffee. Curious? Well, since you asked...

Around noon today I was on my lunch break at work. Considering how cold it's been I have avoided stepping foot outside even if it means to the grocery store, which means I had a creative lunch. Pop something in the microwave, grab something out of your bag, and voila! Frozen steamed broccoli and bell pepper with a side of chocolate peanut butter protein bar. While I was savoring my delectably "healthy" lunch, a coworker began preparing hers. Pop something in the microwave and a science experiment of a drink, volcanic coffee.

I sat there innocently enough eating my veggies while I casually notice her put a piece of paper towel on the table and a mug of hot water on top. She pulls out a plastic beaker  or I mean a plastic pouch of "coffee," tears it open, and with a quick move almost as if she was a seasoned wizard over a cauldron, dumps the powder into the hot water. All of a sudden I hear it. Hear what? The coffee. Are you supposed to hear coffee? Well this coffee you hear a fizz, and then see the bubbles, and then faint at the site of the overflowing beverage. It reminded me of my 8th grade baking powder and vinegar volcano, or when diet coke meets mentos, or an exploding volcano. Considering there was already a paper towel under the mug I assume this wasn't her first time at the rodeo. That she had indeed experienced this coffee phenomenon. Might I mention there was also a rancid smell coming from the cauldron ahem sorry I mean the mug.

I sat there shocked at what I had just witnessed while another coworker rushed to the scene with more paper towel. Instead of contacting FEMA about this disastrous coffee episode, she apologized for disturbing our lunches, sits down peacefully with a book and her coffee and sips it as if nothing strange had happened.

Still shocked, I sat there looking at the dried streaks of coffee on the side of the mug (from the fizzing overflow of course), and wondered: Why do people put this in their body? Have we forgotten the art of drinking, the art of eating? I think more and more people lose touch with the romance of food. They have gotten too busy to take the time to sit with food, talk to food, shower the food with flowers. Eating is about replenishing the body, replenishing the soul. It is a way that we show care, consideration, and love for ourself and others. Romance your food and drink as if you were a Parisian couple at a cafe enjoying your artistic treat as you're watching life float by. I promise you that if you are at peace and in love with your meal, you will see the joy in the world, because you tasted the joy that mother earth gave you through nourishment. Say no to frankenfood, say yes to romance.

The Romance of Coffee