Saturday, March 29, 2014

2 Months to Swimsuit Season!

Okay, okay. I know it's only the end of March, and most people don't actually start swimming until June, but have you looked at the calendar? Swimsuit Season is only about 2 months away!

Earlier today I wondered, why have I felt so gloomy? Is it because the sun has been hidden behind the clouds for days, and it's still only in the 30s and 40s? Le sigh... But then I started thinking, "Katie. You've had a total running AND yoga hiatus!" It's easy for your body to laugh at the idea of running or practicing yoga when you've been running after a 16 month old and running errands all day and every day. Your body says, "Relax, relax. There's always tomorrow." But here's the thing, I could always and forever tell myself there's always tomorrow. Nothing gets done with procrastination, and today I put my foot down and said, nope I'm hitting the treadmill!

Easier said than done. Where's the motivation when you feel so tired? Here was my motivation: Swimsuit Season. Since i've lost about 50 pounds after having Zooey, I'd like to keep it that way, and confidently rock it at a beach!

Swimsuit Season Plan:

1. Exercise 5-6 days a week (walking, running, yoga, and weight lifting)
2. Drink water (at least 8 cups a day)
3. Eat healthy (colorful fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and proteins)
4. Find a running buddy (makes it fun AND is safer when running outdoors)
5. Reward my achievements (like a cute new Sweatyband, a relaxing pedicure, or a "itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini"!)

Feel free to join me! I'll be posting about my progress, and feel free to post about yours! We can do this


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