Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New MiddleCoast Wristlets

Cute Bird with Bead Wristlet
Excited to expand my MiddleCoast shop to include 100% Post Consumer Recycled Fiber Felt Wristlets!

Hand sewing is fun, and expect to see some more accessories like batiked fabric yoga head wraps!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Living Salad Bowl

I'm not sure how I hadn't heard or seen this before, but this morning my Mom dropped by with a
My Living Salad Bowl

"living salad bowl." She saw it and knew it'd be perfect for me (especially since I'm a frequent salad eater)! It was such a thoughtful gift, and got me really excited to start my "green thumb" in such a simple way.

The living salad bowl is watered daily and basks in a sunny spot. When you want a salad just trim the leaves and let them regrow. I was surprised at how little I had to take to get a decent sized salad greens. I can only imagine the delicious, homegrown salad eating summer ahead!

Yummy Fresh Greens
Check out this site for making your own living salad bowl.

Happy Gardening! XOXO MiddleCoastMommy

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sun Safety

Ever since I was a kid I heard anti-bullying talks about being kind to those who have different skin than you. They were always referencing non-caucasians, but the reality is they should have be referencing anyone and everyone.

Coming from an Irish family, I naturally have fair skin. It has always been so fair that at times during my childhood either my family or teachers thought I was sick (my skin looked sickly pale). Instead of asking, "How are you?" I heard, "Are you Okay?" with deep-seated worry and concern in their voice. At the time I always answered, "Just fine!" But now realized I could've taken it to my advantage and said, "Umm. cough cough. Actually...."

Those "Are you okay" comments led to classmates and random people telling me that I needed to "fake n' bake," I looked like I just spent the past month in the hospital, am in extreme pain, look disgusting, get a tan, etc. It may not seem like much, but I spent most of my life having to tell people, "I do go outside. I just don't tan well. I burn. My family is from Europe." I thought once I was out of high school and college this would die down, but I have continued hearing it, such as "Your baby is tanner than you are" or cosmetologists (at make up counters) telling me I should consider tanning since their lightest foundation was too tan for me. To be honest all of these comments got to me at one point years ago especially when a boy (ex-bf) I was dating strongly suggested I start tanning. He told me, "You'll look healthier. You'll feel happier. You'll make your skin stronger and you won't burn as much." At that point in time I gave in, I regrettably used a tanning salon. I truly could not handle another person suggesting there was something wrong with me.

As you may guess once I tanned people dropped the topic, and I "fit in." However, I stopped and a year or two later went to a dermatologist for the first time for a skin exam. I had over 5 moles removed that were precancerous for melanoma. If you're not familiar with melanoma it is a number one skin cancer killer. It may seem like a tiny little dot on your skin, but its roots go deep into your skin and will travel to nearby lymph nodes and organs. It's serious and it's deadly. Since then I go get a skin check every 6 months and think of it as getting my teeth checked for cavities. It's just a routine I'll do my whole life.

Even though I see a dermatologist twice a year between then I perform self-skin checks and follow proper sun safety techniques.

Now that the weather is getting warmer and most of us will be outdoors I suggest you do the same even if you naturally have tan skin, melanoma can strike anyone.

My basic sun safety tips: Wear sunblock, wear sunglasses, and wear a hat. Some people may not want to use sunblock, because they want a tan, but you're in luck the type of UV Rays that give you a tan are not blocked by sunblock only the harmful rays are blocked. Or better yet try a self-tanner, which many have improved avoiding streaks and that horrible self-tanner stink.

Whether you want to be a bronze or fair-skinned goddess please be kind to each other and follow sun safety!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Running Outdoors

Now that it's spring it's the perfect time to start running outdoors with your kid! Zooey has always LOVED being outside, and being my little jogging partner (aka jogging stroller passenger) is a great way for her to get some outdoor time.

Whether you're walking or jogging it is important to know some safety rules and tips.

Basic suggestions:

-Use a jogging stroller! I recommend one with inflatable tires, which makes it easy to be on a variety of terrain. Some of these jogging strollers have many great features, such as a front wheel lock (eases guiding while running), speakers and mp3/ipod hook up, reclinable seat (for napping lil' one), pouches, kiddie tray, drink holders, jogging stroller strap, stroller hood (to protect from sun or rain), easy folding features, etc. I'd suggest finding a stroller that is easy for you to unfold, fold, and put in your car; you may be doing that quite often. There are many great options out, good luck ;)

-Dress appropriately for you and your lil' one this includes hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

-Bring goodies such as, water for you, sippy cup for baby in cooler, snacks for both, diapers, diaper wipes, change of clothes for baby, bicycle wheel pump (foldable sizes are great) etc. ID's, cell phone, and keys are also important, but please don't make it obvious where you have it, keep it in a secure safe place. If your stroller doesn't have a special place for it look into clothes with pouches or even a little jogging pack for this. Keep that in mind for jewelry too. I personally never wear my engagement and wedding ring when I run outside.

-If you wonder how many miles you went or will be going check out USA Track and Field.

-Remember to warm up, cool down, and stretch.

-If your running route happens to have a playground half way or at the beginning or end this is a BIG plus for your little one :)

Safety suggestions:

-If you're new to running outdoors and are a bit nervous as to who you may run into feel free to carry pepper spray, but some of my tips may help you avoid scary run ins.

-Know where you are running. Don't just wander. You can ask friends or running stores for suggestions for good outside running spots. Make sure you have a few good to running spots. Even if you think you're in a safe area, creeps can wander anywhere, please be safe.

-Now that you have your running trails planned, switch them up. What I mean is don't run the same route every day the same exact time. If there were any creepy people they may notice a pattern and this could get you in trouble. So switch up where you run, the direction you run and the time you run if possible. This not only will keep it new and fresh for you, but also will avoid giving others your running schedule.

-Find a running partner, and I don't just mean your little one! Running is a great way to make new and perhaps even closer friends. Try reaching out to your friends, family, and loved ones, or find a local running group and perhaps you'll meet your new running friend there.

-Know what's in the area in case you need to find shelter during rain/storm or if you get the runner's trots. Either way you don't want to be left stranded!

Okay, so now that you've read my suggestions hopefully I didn't scare you off, but rather made you feel more comfortable with the idea knowing my basic and safety suggestions. There are many books, magazines, and professionals who would be happy to help you and perhaps someday you'll be some one who will help another!

Looking for inspiration? Check out this nonprofit "girls on the run" group or find a running event in your area.

Happy Running! <3MiddleCoast

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Shop MiddleCoast for Mom!

Sterling Silver Sea Fan Necklace
Only one week until Mother's Day! Check out the 12 new products I added tonight. You may find something perfect for your mother, aunt, grandmother, sister, or any loved one you call Mom!


Star Wars Day

                                                             May the 4th be with you <3

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is a great tool not only for weight loss, but also for your nutritional health.

After having Zooey I started a food journal to keep track of my calories since I was breastfeeding (eating enough is important for that). I actually believe that one reason I was so successful losing the baby weight was due to the food journal. Of course eventually once I got to a good weight and was eating quite healthy I stopped my food journal. But then the holidays came and I put on 5 pounds. So I started the food journal again, and slowly but surely the holiday weight is coming back off.

A food journal is easy. You can use a cute little notebook and carry it around with you everywhere, or you can download an app to your smartphone to do the same (or use your computer)! Websites that I Lose-It! or myfitnesspal. They are both slightly different, and I'd suggest trying out both to see which one you like better. One fun thing is that you can invite friends or family to it, and encourage each others progress.
recommend are

In case you want to put pen to paper instead here is an idea for a food journal entry:

Water (# of cups):

Total Calories Eaten:
Total Calories Burned:

Sleep (# of hours):
Mood (How I felt today):

I included a few extras beyond just food, because those are important too. Sleeping enough is important to feeling well and making good food choices, and also journaling about your mood may give you insight on to how you react to sleeping too much/too little, exercising/not exercising, eating healthy/eating poorly, etc. It may help you break bad habits or continue good ones.

Happy Journaling! xoxoMiddleCoastMommy