Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Art Space

Messy Arts Space
As some of you know, I have my MiddleCoast Etsy shop, and usually I do my main creations while Zooey is napping. After a while I realized how much time I spent just taking all my supplies out and putting them away. I can't just easily leave them out since I have a little toddler who loves to explore anything she can get her little hands onto.

So I decided to create two art stations. One located in the garage where I create any "messy" art, such as painting. The other station is inside at our nice wooden desk (now currently childproofed to help) and has a lovely art cubby right next to it.

Neat & Tidy Art Space
Each drawer and cubby is organized by needs. For example I have a drawer just for stamps, another just for stationary and envelopes, and another just for all those little jewelry extras like chains, jump rings, clasps, etc.

Now when I'm creating art it is more time efficient which is important when being a Mom there is already so much to do! Now... on to those dishes! Haha, jk, but really I do need to do dishes. BUT I do want to share that if you are a creative Mom I can't stress enough how important it is to create a space just for you so that you can create art with ease.

My next creative space goal is to create a cubby just for toddler crafts!

Happy Crafting! XOXOX MiddleCoast

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