Monday, January 19, 2015

What I Ate Monday

Thought it'd be fun to try a regular posting on Mondays called "What I Ate Monday." Since this is the first time I'm doing this I'll just highlight what I ate for lunch today, but in the future I'll show off my entire day.

Veggie Sandwich with more.... VEGGIES!

Veggie Sandwich:
Veggie Sandwich with side of VEGGIES
-Two slices of whole wheat bread (I use Sara Lee whole wheat for two reasons-not a ridiculous amount of calories and no high fructose corn syrup-one of my major no-no's!)
-Classic hummus spread on each slice (Hummus is a great substitute for condiments like mayo)
-A large handful of raw spinach
-4 slices of pepper (any color works)
-4 thin slices of cucumber
-2-3 thin slices of tomato

Veggie Side:
-Handful of broccoli
-Handful of cauliflower
-2 TBSP classic hummus
-Pepperoncini (1-3 total)
**I cut and broke up a head of broccoli and cauliflower so that I have a ton for the week. I've found the pre-cut raw veggies in the bags get used up VERY quickly-at least in our house.

-La Croix Pamplemousse (my latest favorite flavor)

Happy Monday!

XOXO, MiddleCoastMommy

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